The English IDOLiSH7 Wiki

I don’t care if they don’t love me. I want everything, from the lowliest of bugs to God himself, to love my songs. Just my songs. I only want the people who’ll treasure my songs to listen to them.

YukiPart 3 - Chapter 6.5 The Beginning of the Past

Yukito Orikasa (折笠 千斗, Orikasa Yukito) or mostly known by his stage name Yuki (千, Yuki), is the cool and collected member of the duo, Re:vale, along with Momo. They have been together for five years, even having a "married couple" comedy act together. He’s the tsukkomi (the straight man) of the pair, interjecting Momo's Boke (Idiot) jokes.

Yuki is actually very easy to laugh or otherwise lose composure and has trouble with understanding other people's feelings. Despite that, he is really sensitive and cares a lot about his friends and juniors. He has a passion for songwriting and expresses himself most effectively through it. Even though he struggles to convey it verbally, he values Momo a lot and would go to great lengths to protect him.


Yuki’s Room
Yuki's Room
Screenshot from the game


Solo Songs
Sennen Saki mo ZuttoWonderful Octave (Yuki)


Appellation - Main Characters*
Any characters with a colored dialogue text box within the game story
is considered a Main Character on the Wiki

If they do not have a colored dialogue text box,
they are not considered a Main Character on the Wiki
and is a Supporting Character.

Please contact an Administrator if you see a mistake.

Character Yuki's Nickname Nickname from them
Iori Izumi
Iori Izumi Iori-kun Yuki-san
Yamato Nikaido
Yamato Nikaido Yamato-kun Yuki-san / Senpai
Mitsuki Izumi
Mitsuki Izumi Mitsuki-kun Yuki-san
Tamaki Yotsuba
Tamaki Yotsuba Tamaki-kun Yukirin
Sogo Osaka
Sogo Osaka Sogo-kun Yuki-san
Nagi Rokuya
Nagi Rokuya Nagi-kun Mister Yuki
Riku Nanase
Riku Nanase Riku-kun Yuki-san
Gaku Yaotome
Gaku Yaotome Gaku-kun
Source: Yuki (Birthday Photobook) [Rabbit Chats: Part 2]
Source: Yuki (Birthday Photobook) [Rabbit Chats: Part 2]
Tenn Kujo
Tenn Kujo Tenn-kun Yuki-san
Ryunosuke Tsunashi
Ryunosuke Tsunashi Ryuunosuke-kun Yuki-san
Momo Momo
Yuki Boku (僕)
Minami Natsume
Minami Natsume
Haruka Isumi
Haruka Isumi
Toma Inumaru
Toma Inumaru
Torao Mido
Torao Mido
Tsumugi Takanashi
Tsumugi Takanashi Maneko-chan Yuki-san
Banri Ogami
Banri Ogami Ban Yuki

Appellation - Supporting Characters*
Any characters with a colored dialogue text box within the game story
is considered a Main Character on the Wiki

If they do not have a colored dialogue text box,
they are not considered a Main Character on the Wiki
and is a Supporting Character.

Please contact an Administrator if you see a mistake.

Character Yuki's Nickname Nickname from them
Otoharu Takanashi
Otoharu Takanashi
Kaoru Anesagi
Kaoru Anesagi
Sousuke Yaotome
Sousuke Yaotome
Rinto Okazaki
Rinto Okazaki Okarin Yuki-kun
Rintaro Okazaki
Rintaro Okazaki Rintaro Yuki
Shiro Utsugi
Shiro Utsugi
Ryo Tsukumo (Sprite)
Ryo Tsukumo
Takamasa Kujo
Takamasa Kujo


  • 折 (ori) = fold, break; bend; yield; submit
  • 笠 (kasa) = bamboo hat; one’s influence
Translation Note:
Translation by Yazu
Given Name
  • 千 (yuki) = thousand; snow
  • 斗 (to) = struggle; fight; compete
Translation Note:
Translation by Yazu

Voice Actor Comment

Tachibana Shinnosuke's Comments about Part 2
There are no Translation for this. If you would like to add in your own translations of this please go here.
Translation Note:

Tachibana Shinnosuke's Comments about Part 3
FOR YOU: 第3部は冒頭部分から目が離せない、かつ全体を通して深いストーリーになっておりますので、第2部まできっちりクリアして準備万端で臨んでいただければと思います。Re:valeも活躍しますので、そこも楽しんでいただけると嬉しいです。
Part 3 is a story where you can't take your eyes off of the adventure aspects, yet when you consider its entirety it's really a very deep story, so I'd like for you to face it having cleanly cleared Part 2 and with your preparations flawless. Re:vale's also very active, so I'd like it if you could enjoy those parts as well.
Translation Note:
Translation by kaisekis from here
FOR YUKI: 千の過去を知った上で第3部の千を見ると、大人になったな、人間になったなと思います(笑)。「やったね。」って伝えてあげたいです。
Knowing Yuki's past, when I look at Yuki as he is in Part 2, I think to myself how he's sure become an adult, and he's sure become a real human (LOL). So I want to tell him, "you did it.".
Translation Note:
Translation by kaisekis from here


  • He is a vegetarian, not for spiritual reasons, he just prefers that sort of food. He hates meat and fish. [1]
  • He has a phobia of sharp objects. [1]
  • He enjoys cooking and is good at it. [1]
    • His specialty dish is gelée vegetable soup, because although it’s simple, it looks extravagant. [1]
  • Yuki is the type of person who’s okay with spoilers because not knowing what happens next feels worse to him.[2]
  • He is an indoor person. He prefers to stay home or go out for a drive at most. [1]
    • Despite this, Yuki likes going on drives to admire the scenery.
  • When Yuki drinks, he turns absentminded. [3]
  • He thought of becoming an idol because he wanted to sing songs and because of his good looks (face) [4]
  • He doesn’t really watch variety or information shows. [4]
  • He watches the dramas and movies he appears in, because seeing how they edit them can be educational. [4]
  • Yuki is the composer for all of Re:vale songs.
    • Dis one. is an exception of this because that's a Zero song.
  • Yuki once gave Iori and Tamaki a lift from school and then a cake treat. [4]
  • He is not a morning person and has lots of trouble getting out of bed. Even if he’s allowed to hit the snooze button on his alarm over and over again, he still can’t wake up. Most of the time, he relies on their manager, Rinto Okazaki, to spam Yuki’s phone with calls and Momo dragging him out of bed. [1]
  • Yuki states that without Momo and their manager, Rinto Okazaki, he’s just a useless guy. [1]
  • Nearing Momo's birthday, Momo and Yuki started calling each other grandpas. [5]
  • Momo once dressed up in santa suit, borrowed from his part-time job, to celebrate Yuki’s birthday because his birthday is on Christmas Eve. [6]
  • Momo managed to tie up Yuki's hair with an incredibly gaudy hair tie, which had a peach motif, while the latter was drunk. [4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Yuki (Ordinary Days)
  2. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: RabiTV Yuki (Connected Feelings)
  3. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Momo (Rehearsal ~ Showtime)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Yuki (Rehearsal ~ Showtime)
  5. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Momo (Rabbit Ears Parka)
  6. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Yuki (Rabbit Ears Parka)



CardsPuchinanaVoice ListGallery

Character ListSupporting CharactersIdol CadetsUnits
IDOLiSH7 Iori IzumiYamato NikaidoMitsuki IzumiTamaki Yotsuba
Sogo OsakaNagi RokuyaRiku Nanase
TRIGGER Gaku YaotomeTenn KujoRyunosuke Tsunashi
Re:vale MomoYuki
ZOOL Haruka IsumiToma InumaruMinami NatsumeTorao Mido