The English IDOLiSH7 Wiki

I won’t forget that day for the rest of my life. It was like an electric shock– it jump started my still heart back to life. I had felt like my dreams were never gonna come true. I started to hate God and the future terrified me. But the moment I heard that song, all of my frustration and sadness were swept away. Like I had gotten washed clean by the waves.

MomoPart 3 - Chapter 7.1 Yuki and Ban

Momose Sunohara (春原 百瀬, Sunohara Momose) or mostly known by his stage name Momo (百), is the energetic, cute member of the duo, Re:vale, together with Yuki. They have a "married couple" comedy act together, in which Momo is the boke, the "idiot", of the pair, constantly making off the wall comments.

Momo is described by the people around him as someone who can make others happy just by being there. He appears quite carefree and enjoys teasing his juniors, but is also remarkably kind and observant of his surroundings. He is very intelligent and can be quite mature, which may create a contrast to his often goofy on-stage persona. He is willing to go to great lengths to watch over others, sometimes at the expense of himself. In particular, he cares about his juniors and his partner, Yuki, whom he prioritizes and wishes to protect.


Momo’s Room
Momo's Room
Screenshot from the game


Solo Songs
100 HappinessWonderful Octave (Momo)


Appellation - Main Characters*
Any characters with a colored dialogue text box within the game story
is considered a Main Character on the Wiki

If they do not have a colored dialogue text box,
they are not considered a Main Character on the Wiki
and is a Supporting Character.

Please contact an Administrator if you see a mistake.

Character Momo's Nickname Nickname from them
Iori Izumi
Iori Izumi Iori Momo-san
Yamato Nikaido
Yamato Nikaido Yamato Momo-san
Mitsuki Izumi
Mitsuki Izumi Mitsuki Momo-san
Tamaki Yotsuba
Tamaki Yotsuba Tamaki Momorin
Sogo Osaka
Sogo Osaka Sogo Momo-san
Nagi Rokuya
Nagi Rokuya Nagi Mister Momo
Riku Nanase
Riku Nanase Riku Momo-san
Gaku Yaotome
Gaku Yaotome Gaku Momo-san
Tenn Kujo
Tenn Kujo Tenn Momo-san
Ryunosuke Tsunashi
Ryunosuke Tsunashi Ryuu Momo-san
Momo Ore (オレ)
Yuki Yuki
Minami Natsume
Minami Natsume
Haruka Isumi
Haruka Isumi
Toma Inumaru
Toma Inumaru Momo
Torao Mido
Torao Mido
Tsumugi Takanashi
Tsumugi Takanashi Manekko-chan (マネっ子ちゃん) Momo-san
Banri Ogami
Banri Ogami Ban-san Momo-kun

Appellation - Supporting Characters*
Any characters with a colored dialogue text box within the game story
is considered a Main Character on the Wiki

If they do not have a colored dialogue text box,
they are not considered a Main Character on the Wiki
and is a Supporting Character.

Please contact an Administrator if you see a mistake.

Character Momo's Nickname Nickname from them
Otoharu Takanashi
Otoharu Takanashi
Kaoru Anesagi
Kaoru Anesagi Kaoru-chan Momo
Sousuke Yaotome
Sousuke Yaotome Papa
Yaotome Papa
Rinto Okazaki
Rinto Okazaki Okarin Momo-kun
Rintaro Okazaki
Rintaro Okazaki President Momo
Shiro Utsugi
Shiro Utsugi Utsugi-san Momo-san
Ryo Tsukumo (Sprite)
Ryo Tsukumo Ryo-san Momo
Takamasa Kujo
Takamasa Kujo


  • 春 (suno) = spring
  • 原 (hara) = field; plain; origin; beginning
Translation Note:
Translation by Yazu
Given Name
  • 百 (momo) = hundred; peach
  • 瀬 (se) = rapids; current; torrent; shallows
Translation Note:
Translation by Yazu

Voice Actor Comment

Hoshi Soichiro's Comments about Part 2
There are no Translation for this. If you would like to add in your own translations of this please go here.
Translation Note:

Hoshi Soichiro's Comments about Part 3
FOR YOU: Re:valeをより深く知ることができるエピソードがあり、百と千の関係がどう変化していくのかご注目いただければと思います。リズムゲーム的には難しそうな新曲もあり(笑)、でもとても気に入っている楽曲ですので、みなさまの期待を裏切らないRe:valeになっていると嬉しいなと思います。
There are episodes where you can learn even more about Re:vale, and I'd like for you to keep an eye out for how Momo and Yuki's relationship will change. There's a song that seems kinda difficult on a rhythm game-level (LOL), but it's also a song I'm super fond of, so I'd like it if Re:vale could be a Re:vale that won't betray everyone's expectations.
Translation Note:
Translation by kaisekis from here
FOR MOMO: 百は百なりに色々考えて自分の信じることのために動いていますが、僕はすごく好きだし応援もしているので、これからも「迷いなく、百なりに頑張って突き進んで。」ほしいです。
Momo's been thinking a lot in his own Momo way and he's been moving for the sake of the things he believes in, but since I'm really fond of him and I'm cheering for him myself, I want him to "Don't lose yourself, and work hard to pierce forward in your own way".
Translation Note:
Translation by kaisekis from here


  • Momo likes using Kaomoji in his Rabbit Chats ζ*‘ヮ’)ζ [1]
    • Kaomoji (顔文字) = a popular Japanese emoticon style made up of Japanese characters and grammar punctuation. This concept is formed by the combination of two words in Kanji, "kao" (顔 – "face") and "moji" (文字 – "character").
  • He gets nervous during solos. [1]
  • Momo is a morning person. [2]
  • He doesn’t have a specific favorite genre of music, he’ll listen to anything. but recently he’s been into Japanese emo rock. He claims that listening to it first thing in the morning really helps clear your head. [3]
  • His type of lover is someone who he can laugh with, someone whom he can share his joys with.[3]
  • His ideal date is somewhere outdoors if possible, but he can match with his partner's needs.[3]
  • Momo was part of the soccer team in high school. His team went to nationals for soccer, but unfortunately, he got injured right before final match and his team lost. [4]
  • When he was younger, Momo had to buy snacks for his older sister and her friends when they came over for Halloween. [5]
  • He addresses Tsumugi as Manekko-chan.
    • Mane (マネ) → Manager
    • Ko (子) → Kid, as Tsumugi is younger than Momo
  • Nearing Momo's birthday, Momo and Yuki started calling each other grandpas.[3]
  • Momo once dressed up in santa suit, borrowed from his part-time job, to celebrate Yuki’s birthday because his birthday is on Christmas Eve. [6]
  • Momo managed to tie up Yuki's hair with an incredibly gaudy hair tie, which had a peach motif, while the latter was drunk. [7]
  • He once did nail art for Mitsuki and Nagi. [1]
  • Momo and Mitsuki often go on outings together. They once went to view one of their favorite comedian’s show together.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Momo (Rehearsal ~ Showtime)
  2. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Yuki (Ordinary Days)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Momo (Rabbit Ears Parka)
  4. [In-Game Stories]
  5. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Momo (Monster)
  6. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Yuki (Rabbit Ears Parka)
  7. IDOLiSH7 Mobile Game: Rabbit Chat Yuki (Rehearsal ~ Showtime)



CardsPuchinanaVoice ListGallery

Character ListSupporting CharactersIdol CadetsUnits
IDOLiSH7 Iori IzumiYamato NikaidoMitsuki IzumiTamaki Yotsuba
Sogo OsakaNagi RokuyaRiku Nanase
TRIGGER Gaku YaotomeTenn KujoRyunosuke Tsunashi
Re:vale MomoYuki
ZOOL Haruka IsumiToma InumaruMinami NatsumeTorao Mido